петак, 29. август 2014.

Taylor Swift style steal

Hi everybody!This is going to be another style steal post and this time I have two outfits.I have a really retro,1950's look that Taylor wears in a very modern way,and I have casual feminine look as well.She is a big inspiration to me,if you like this post tell me and I will do more Taylor outfits.

Zdravo svima!Ovo će biti još jedan style steal post i ovog puta imam dva autfita.Imam veoma retro,pedesete stil koji Taylor nosi na veoma moderan način i imam opušten,ženstven autfit takodje.Taylor je moja velika inspiracija i ako vam se dopada post recite mi i uradiću još Taylor autfita.

Outfit no.1:New Yorker top
Random jeans from Novi Pazar
Deichman shoes
David Jones bag 
Random sunglasses

Outfit no.2
Thrift store vintage dress 
Shoes from a shop in Porto Montenegro
Random sunglasses