недеља, 18. јануар 2015.

BELGRADE: Street Style

 Hi everybody!I was in the capital yesterday and I am going to tell you about my trip and outfit.I was shopping mainly,shooting and just being a tourist.I arrived at ten in the morning and there was no people on the streets so I was shooting my outfit,getting some coffee and just enjoying the sights in front of me.Later in the day I was not taking any pictures I was just enjoying my day.Then we went to the Usce Shopping centre and it was amazing but very crowded.I came home at midnight and was so tired I didn't unpack etc.I had an amazing time,hope you will have it to if you get a chance to go to this amazing city.
Hope you are having a beautiful day and I will see you soon.

Vintage coat
Vintage sweater
New Yorker jeans 
New Yorker bag
New Yorker sunglasses
Timberland dupes from Metro shoes
Shirt Terranova
Cathenina Nis necklace 
Terranova bracelet 
Rimmel Alarm lasting finish lipstick on my lips

2 коментара:

  1. Obožavam Beograd!! Toliko je urban ,bila sam nekoliko puta i skroz je drugačije nego na šta sam ja navikla. Što se tiče outfita taj džemper i ogrlica stvarno se lepo 'druže'
    Ljubim te ! :*
    ••• vrgov.blogspot.com •••

    1. Bila sam i ja par puta ali za vreme preznika to je skroz druga prica <3 i ja tebe <3
